Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Finally Getting Sleep

Gavin officially slept through the night last night. Actually, he has been sleeping through the night if you consider sleeping from 10:00p.m. until 5:00a.m. all through the night. But, last night he slept from 9:00p.m. until 6:15 this morning!!! Finally, I had to run into his bedroom this morning when I woke because I was worried something bad happened! But there he was - smiling at his musical crib mobile. What a cutie.

Today we went to the Mall of America with Auntie and baby Ella. Ella is walking now so I guess you'd say she is a toddler. It's so cute to see her toddling along. And all before her first birthday, which is not until July25. I forgot my camera today!!!! This picture of the porkchop was taken a couple of weeks ago. We call him Little Buddha now. Both of our kids have nicknames; Nathan has had multiple names - Boobadoo, "The Chunk," Nater the Urinater...but my favorite is "Kekeen." Kekeen is how Nathan says his name. How does he get Kekeen from Nathan? Who knows! He has so many funny ways of saying things like: Christmas - "tit-tit"; Food - "soom"; Auntie's dog, Ava - "Adem"; Kiwi - "Hee-eee"; Potato - "Ah-keeto"; and one more, Park - "Kuck." Some words he can say so clearly like applesauce. He can say applesauce clearly but not Nathan. What did we ever do for entertainment before these boys came along???

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