Sunday, July 16, 2006

Fat Babies

It appears the jury is still out on FAT Babies. Some say Fat Babies face health problems. Others say Fat Babies make fat adults. But then there is this theory: there is no correlation between the size of an infant under age two and the size he'll be as an adult. I think the main concern is this - is your Fat Baby's height and weight proportionate? If yes, continue what you're doing. In Gavin's case? Continue eating on the hour every hour. Well, this may be a slight exaggeration but let me tell you, for a nursing mom and tired mom, this seems like the reality. What is the word these days? SUPPLEMENT SUPPLEMENT SUPPLEMENT! This Fat Baby's gotta EAT! Yes, Gavin's height and weight are equally proportionate. So, is there anything to be concerned about, CBS??? I think not! Just look at him!

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